An American in Toronto

In Which I Take the Plunge with Devoted Husband and Baby Boy and Have Marvelous Adventures North of the Border

Friday, September 15, 2006

Goin' Home

I'm so excited! I just finished buying airline tickets for our trip to the States for Thanksgiving. American Thanksgiving. I have to clarify now. We were originally going to drive the entire 12 hour trip, but Air Canada has a deal for $98 each way into Boston. That is an awesome deal. It's almost worth it to pay for the tickets just so we can say we got a great deal. Anyway, it will be easier on the boy (and us!) and we can spend most of our vacation in a calmer state of mind. That's the plan, anyway. Another picture: Every morning on my way to work, I see these women performing Tai Chi in the park. Since I live near a large Chinese community, I see quite a bit of people performing Tai Chi in my neighborhood. It answers the question why whenever I see older Asian people walking about, they always seem to be in better shape than other elderly ethnic groups. It's just an observation that I have. I have no scientific evidence to back any of this up. Nobody quote me in your term papers. Since DH got all kinds of new equipment to upgrade his computer, I think it'll be The Boy and I on our own for the weekend. I want to take some more pictures of T.O. and show you guys some more neat things from up here. Wish me luck!


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