An American in Toronto

In Which I Take the Plunge with Devoted Husband and Baby Boy and Have Marvelous Adventures North of the Border

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

"Don't Read Enough?"

Sadly, it looks like this blog has been reduced to weekly posts for the time being. Sigh. At any rate, life still goes on up here for the American family. Yesterday, I went for my physician interview. It can be pretty hard to find a doctor in Toronto that is accepting new patients, but I managed to find someone and she was pretty nice. She just asked me a few questions about my family history and then I went to the lab, as she ordered a couple of blood tests. She also gave two months worth of samples of (ahem) contraceptive pills (ahem). I can't imagine a doctor in the U.S. just handing out two month's worth of a prescription drug. But, things are different here. Anyway, I go in next month for my actual physical. It's been raining quite a bit lately. I taught The Boy the words "rain" and "raining" this morning, which I think will prove to be quite useful. Right now he just says "water" which is also correct, if not exactly accurate. Right now the city is all atwitter with the Toronto International Film Festival. When I was driving through the city on Sunday, there were all sorts of people camped out in front of the Four Seasons hotel hoping to get a look at a celebrity. I don't know if they were waiting for someone in particular, or anyone famous. I still have more pictures that I've taken around my protective neighborhood bubble. Here are a couple: Here is a billboard that I've seen all over the city. There is supposedly another billboard with Bill Clinton instead of Bush, but it doesn't make much sense. And, I've only seen it on the website, but it's not on the site anymore. If that wasn't enough to give you an idea what Canadians think of GWB, here is another ad I saw during my travels: It's for Lakehead University. If you can't read the bottom, it says "Graduating from an Ivy League university doesn't mean you're smart. Choosing Lakehead does." Take from that what you will.


  • At 9/13/2006 03:14:00 PM, Blogger Sundry said…

    I especially enjoy the YaleShmale poster. Hee hee. They've got his number. (That would be his GPA.)


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