An American in Toronto

In Which I Take the Plunge with Devoted Husband and Baby Boy and Have Marvelous Adventures North of the Border

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Fooling Mommy

Two things: Yesterday was the re-opening of the library closest to my house and it was so exciting! Now I can walk to the library and go every day if the week if I so choose. And the bonus is...they even have a book club that meets every month! Yay! Happy dance! This morning, I sent The Boy out on the porch to get into his stroller. As I shut the door behind me, he ran into the back yard instead. I came around the corner and saw him there and then told him to get into the stroller. He looked up, pointed and said, "At! At!" which is Boy-ese for "Cat" (or "Hat," depending on context). I looked behind me and fully expected to see Abby, once again sneaking out of the house in a misguided attempt to seek freedom. But, there was no cat at all. When I looked back at The Boy, he laughed and ran in towards the house. Curses! Outwitted by a Toddler! I am so humiliated! A CANADIAN FACT! The fact is, I can't believe that The Boy tricked me. He's an evil genius!


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