An American in Toronto

In Which I Take the Plunge with Devoted Husband and Baby Boy and Have Marvelous Adventures North of the Border

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Coming Out of Hiding

I know. I know. Trust me, I know. I've been slacking off on the blog, as I don't use every minute my valuable free time (and I'm still super busy at work) to jot down my thoughts on the Internets. But, I'm here to give all four of my readers an update on the comings and goings of the "American" family. This past weekend was the Taste of the Danforth festival here in Toronto. The Danforth is the center of Toronto's Greektown and so, naturally, a lot of the food was Greek. Since we live only a few blocks away, we had no choice to walk up and take a look. But we didn't eat any Greek food. We went to Pizza Pizza, instead. They say it's the largest street festival in the world, and while I have no real documentation for that fact, it certainly looked pretty crowded to me. We could barely move the stroller through the dense crowd. Here is some video footage about the festival. It also gives you a brief look the Danforth, where I spend quite a bit of my time spending my hard-earned money. Going on at the same time was Shakespeare in the Rough, which was presenting "Antony and Cleopatra" in Withrow Park. There wasn't a huge crowd and I don't know if anyone could hear the actors what with the neighborhood ice cream truck playing music and all the kids in the playground not too far away. But, you know, good for them! Even the mighty oak started as a tiny acorn. That's all for now, but later this week I'll give you the thrilling story of The Boy's latest doctor checkup.


  • At 8/16/2006 03:05:00 PM, Blogger Sundry said…

    I watched the video. I am sooo hungry. I am ordering shish tavok from Arde's for lunch. I am considering buying a grill and some corn on the cob on my way home.

    We missed you.


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