An American in Toronto

In Which I Take the Plunge with Devoted Husband and Baby Boy and Have Marvelous Adventures North of the Border

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Fun in the Fall

Well, the Labor Day weekend has come and gone and Fall came slamming down on Toronto with a mighty force. I'm a big fan of Fall and I'm glad to see it. The air is crisp, the winds are cool and the leaves are slowly changing color. I love it. While most of the Labor Day weekend was pretty soggy, the actual Labor Day was dry enough so that we could get out of the house and we went to High Park. High Park is a very large park in Toronto, almost 400 acres, with all sorts of treats to enjoy. There is a playground, of course, but also a zoo, a children's garden, a big swimming pool, a "trackless train," lots of sports fields and more than one-third of the park is in a natural state, which is kind of nice. There are also open-air stage plays and outdoor movies in the summer. At the playground, while The Boy was swinging in the baby swing, I decided to swing on the regular swing, which I guess I haven't done since I was in High School. It was a weird feeling, almost foreign. While we were there, an organic Farmer's Market was going on and we stopped in to get The Boy an apple, a favorite snack of his. Because The Boy is so cute, the cashier gave the apple to him, gratis. I always knew that his adorability would provide us with big payoffs. Like free fruit. Speaking of The Boy, The Boy's speaking has greatly improved. He can say "Memere" and "Pepere, " much to the delight of my mother. He can also say the "c" in "cat" and he calls elephants, "Emmy" after "Emily Elephant" in one of his toys. But the highlight, is that he's starting to say is name, or "Na-nan" actually. But points for trying. Fortunately, for him, he's still cute. A CANADIAN FACT! In High Park, the animal paddocks have always been one of the most popular attractions, dating back to 1890 when deer were the first animals kept. Today, you will find domestic and exotic species including bison, llamas, peacocks, deer, highland cattle and sheep.


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