An American in Toronto

In Which I Take the Plunge with Devoted Husband and Baby Boy and Have Marvelous Adventures North of the Border

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Boy Update

On Monday, The Boy and I went to his first Canadian pediatrician appointment. Overall it went really well, my only complaint being that the waiting area was really small with no toys and a wide open door. The Boy kept running out the door and into other doctor's offices. Oh, it was cute the first 87 times, but I was trying to fill out paperwork and it made me look foolish to the other mothers. I always find that I'm comparing myself to other parents. Of course it's not fair if the other mother has a 6 month old and I have a busy toddler, but I can't help it. I doubt I'm alone in feeling this way. Anyway, when we finally got in to see the doctor, the appointment was actually pretty quick. The Boy was a robust 30 lbs. and I forget how tall, but he's in the 75-95th percentile on height, weight and head circumference, so he's proportionate. He's also healthy, talking a blue streak and running around. He's doing really well. When he got his immunization, I got to hold him in my lap and he only cried for a minute. By the time we were in the waiting area again, he was back to running around. He really is a busy boy. We were trying to come up with all of The Boy's vocabulary words and we came up with quite a lot. Some of his current favorites are "Elmo," "bolo" (which means book, I guess), "baby" (which means anyone in a stroller, regardless of age) and, happily, "Daddy." He loves books and his favorites are "Goodnight, Moon" and "The Big Red Barn." We read them every night before he goes to bed. He'll crawl under the covers and lay back on the pillow and wait for his stories. He's really a great little boy and he's so much fun.


  • At 9/12/2006 10:16:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So, AIT, how do you like that Canadian health care system? Any thoughts or impressions you like to share with your US readers?

    Well, might as well tell you: Bean's blog.


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