An American in Toronto

In Which I Take the Plunge with Devoted Husband and Baby Boy and Have Marvelous Adventures North of the Border

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Photo Gallery Part A

Last night, The Sopranos was on broadcast TV and they actually said the "F" word, unbleeped! Oooooh, Canada! I'm tell-ing! Anyway, I promised to show some pictures that I took over the last week and here's a few. Here is a mural that is part of a series that were put up this summer. This mural is on the side of a Chinese restaurant that DH and I frequent called, Celline Garden. There are two other murals that I know of, but I haven't taken pictures of one and I the pictures I DID take of the other, were way too dark to post up here. So, I'll try again later. Here is another picture. Can you guess what it is? Well, I can give you a hint. It is not an ear, nose and throat doctor. Have you figured it out yet? The answer to all your burning questions are HERE. A CANADIAN FACT! The fact is, I'm so ashamed for not listing the Degrassi series of television programs yesterday in my list of popular Canadian TV shows. Dummy!


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