An American in Toronto

In Which I Take the Plunge with Devoted Husband and Baby Boy and Have Marvelous Adventures North of the Border

Monday, July 31, 2006

Blah, Blah, Blah Weekend

Sorry for my dearth of posts lately. It's been a combination of lots of work in the office and very little of interest going on outside of the office. Blah, blah, blah got a new watch band. Blah, blah, blah tried a new restaurant (yay, another place with free refills!). Yesterday, The Boy and I went to the park and the wading pool, while Devoted Husband cleaned up the house in preparation for the arrival of his mom and sister later this week. The Boy loves to run around and pick up sticks and thought it was hilarious to pretend to put the stick on his tongue. I would tell him to stop with the stick and he would grin and laugh, then he would do it again. And again. And again. Man, kids are fun. Once we left the park, I went on a quest for soft-serve ice cream. It's a hot, humid summer day and ice cream is needed. Plus, I don't really have ice cream all that often. Certainly not as often as DH, who considers ice cream a staple. And I do love me the soft-serve. Especially chocolate/vanilla swirl. After going to Licks, Baskin-Robbins and The Carrot Common, I only found hard-packed ice cream. Sure, I did find hemp-based ice cream, but sadly, no soft-serve. So, I went home ice cream-less. In retrospect, I could've walked even further down the street and gone to McDonald's or Dairy Queen. But, even I have my limits. Plus, I just had some of DH's at home. A CANADIAN FACT! Current Canadian Ice Cream consumption is 9.66 litres per person, down from 12.72 litres in 1980, but up from 8.63 in 2000.


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