An American in Toronto

In Which I Take the Plunge with Devoted Husband and Baby Boy and Have Marvelous Adventures North of the Border

Friday, July 21, 2006

Yet More Likes and Dislikes...

Here it is Friday, and here I am will the final installment of my Canadian Likes and Dislikes... I REALLY LIKE... ...spelt. I know that spelt is some kind of healthier alternative to wheat and I find lots of foods up here are made of the spelt. The yummiest spelt items are Sha Sha Cookies, which I love, and the spelt bread at the Magic Oven, also quite tasty. I REALLY HATE... ...all the maple flavored foods. Not. A. Fan. I REALLY LIKE... ...the smell of the Weston Bakery near my office. Man, nothing is better than the smell of baking bread. I REALLY HATE... ...the smell of garbage in summer. Not specifically a Canadian thing, but disgusting nonetheless. I REALLY LIKE... ...all the free stuff the city provides for kids, like the parks and the wading pools and the drop-in centers. I get a real good feeling about what the city and the province actually do for children. I REALLY HATE... everything is so expensive. Yes, the dirty little secret of Canada. How do you think The Boy gets to use the free park wading pool? Everything is expensive. Both because of taxes and because of shipping products here in the first place. The way Miss Bella, my co-worker, described it to me was thus: imagine you are having a party for 30 people. Now imagine you are having a party for 300 people. If you buy food in bulk for the 300 people and you can get it cheaper per item than for 30 people, right? Now compare 30 million to 300 million. See how that works. Of course, the pharmaceuticals are much cheaper here in Canada, but, fortunately that isn't an issue for me. I REALLY LIKE... ...watching all the Canadian television shows that are "new to me." I like Corner Gas, which is pretty funny with a dry sense of humor and apparently the most popular sitcom in Canada. And History Bites, which is a history-themed sketch comedy show. Liking History Bites, proves once and for all that I am a Grade A Nerd. I REALLY HATE... ...that I don't get VH-1 up here. Man, do I miss my VH-1. That and World Poker Tour. I REALLY LIKE... ...just about everything here in Toronto. I know I sound like a crazy cult member, but I just love it here. We'll see how I feel in another six months, but as it stands today, I'm quite happy. I REALLY HATE... ...that I can't see my LA friends anymore. I instant message them, but it's not the same. So, remember that I miss you guys. A lot.


  • At 7/22/2006 12:57:00 PM, Blogger Sundry said…

    Spelt! I recently tried whole grain spelt. They have it in seasoned packages at Trader Joe's. YUMMMY stuff.

    I really really really really miss sneaking off with you for our book lunches. Sigh. The place ain't the same without you.

    But I'm glad that you're so happy there. That says a lot. I was not very happy with L.A. when I first came here. Huge culture shock for a country gal. L.A. can be wonderful, but it sounds like the good stuff in Toronto is much more accessible.

  • At 8/03/2006 07:01:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I miss you too sugar bear.


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