An American in Toronto

In Which I Take the Plunge with Devoted Husband and Baby Boy and Have Marvelous Adventures North of the Border

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me!

Yesterday was my first Torontonian birthday as I ventured even further into the jungle that is my thirtysomething years. All in all, the day was an embarrassment of riches. Miss Bella, my co-worker, gave me a Chapters (the Canadian Borders) gift card and a birthday Nanaimo bar (As an aside, the Nanaimo Bar recently won the Canadian Confection Election as Canada's favorite homegrown snack. Good for them. My Mom recently had her first bar on her most recent trip to T.O. and she's now a fan.). I also got three e-cards from "Michele with one 'L'," one from Deens, one from the Boss Ladies in L.A., one from my Mom and Dad and one from my friend Shan. I also got a Target gift card from my Mom in Law, my annual birthday card from my friend New York Loretta, who I hardly ever talk to, but she always remembers my birthday, and a phone call from my brother Weethy, who SWEARS that he has a gift in the mail. Finally, I had a tiny little party with Devoted Husband and The Boy. The Boy got me a book of crossword puzzles and DH got me a Kitchen Grill (aka a George Foreman Grill, except it's Hamilton Beach) with the removable grills. It's so awesome. I can't wait to try it out. DH also got me a chocolate birthday cake and we all enjoyed it very much. It was a very happy birthday, but now I have to have another regular day where people don't shower me with gifts and warm congratulations. Ah, the post-birthday let-down. I realized that I left out some of The Boy's newest vocabulary words yesterday. Here are a few more: "Car" - If he's talking about a toy car, he shakes it in his hand. If he's talking about an actual car, he jumps up and down and gets super excited. If he sees the cars from the movie Cars, for some reason, he also gets really excited. "Woof Woof" - aka "dog." I try to get him to say dog, but his first instinct is to say "Woof Woof." He now points to the TV whenever the former hand puppet comes on the screen for the stupid 1-800 Bar None commercials. "Hat" - A new one, but a very practical one. A CANADIAN FACT! Some Prominent Canadians born on July 5 include, Carmen Kempt, Miss Canada Universe 1997, Doug Wilson, professional hockey player, and musician Robbie Robertson.


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