An American in Toronto

In Which I Take the Plunge with Devoted Husband and Baby Boy and Have Marvelous Adventures North of the Border

Monday, June 19, 2006

World Cup Fever!

I'm from the United States so I don't know so much about the World Cup. The only sports I really follow are the Olympics and televised poker, which I think we can all agree isn't really a sport, as such. It's no secret that Toronto is one of the most multicultural cities on the planet. You can hear half a dozen languages just walking down any random street. So, it's no surprise that Toronto has representatives of all 32 countries in this year's World Cup. So many of the cars here in Toronto have flags plastered on them with the driver's pledging allegiance to their team. Of course, this creates the fun new travel game, "Name That Flag!" Unfortunately, England is cheating by using some random flag and not the Union Jack that I would recognize. Cheaters! All the pubs are showing the games and they post the schedules out in front. Some pubs even have TV's on the front of the building so that you can see the games from the sidewalk. There are even specific team pubs if you want to watch your team with fellow fans. Despite all the soccer, I haven't heard about any major violence or hooliganism. Because, after all, the fans are still Canadian. A CANADIAN FACT! Canada failed to qualify for the 2006 FIFA World Cup, and has only made it to the tournament once, in 1986. The team played three games and lost every one, never scoring a single goal.


  • At 6/27/2006 02:38:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    England is using the English flag, not the Union Jack because the English flag represents England, not the United Kingdom, which the Union Jack stands for.

    And for other flags, I can easily identify each nation's flag. It is so easy. Most drivers sport the flags of Portugal, Italy, Brazil, Ghana, Trinidad and Tobago, Spain, England, South Korea and Poland. All are easy to identify.


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