An American in Toronto

In Which I Take the Plunge with Devoted Husband and Baby Boy and Have Marvelous Adventures North of the Border

Thursday, May 18, 2006


The rain keeps on coming. I've been attempting to get the bank all week and every day the weather prevents me from completing my task. Yesterday, I left work a little bit early and was on my way home when it started sprinkling out. I hopped into a bus stop kiosk in order to stay nice and dry, read my book and wait for the rain to lighten up. It started to do just that and the rain let up a little. But then it started to come down even harder! Just sheets of rain. And then thunder. And lightning. Oooh, scary. So, I hung around at the bus stop for much longer than I had originally intended. Then, I started to smell something...wrong. Awful and wrong. That awful and wrong thing was sewage. All the rain had backed up the sewer and there was now sewage on the street. Lovely. The backed up sewage also caused the manhole cover to get dislodged. A pickup truck drove over the cover and removed it from the hole and now there was a hole in the middle of the street. By this time, the bank was closed and I needed to get home to get the car to pick up Baby Boy from day care. But I wasn't going to walk in a thunderstorm, so I took my first Toronto bus ride. It was only for a few blocks, but I was a lot drier than I would have been. I was afraid that Baby Boy would be scared by the thunder and lightning, but he couldn't care less. He was more mad that I took a Big Bird toy car from him. Speaking of The Boy, enjoy some pictures from our trip to Riverdale Farm a couple weeks ago: Riverdale Farm A CANADIAN FACT! There are four sewage treatment centers in Toronto: the Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant, the North Toronto Treatment Plant, the Highland Creek Treatment Plant and the Humber Treatment Plant.


  • At 5/18/2006 08:12:00 PM, Blogger D.O.M. Dan said…

    I hope you don't mind that I blogged over from Bean's Blog.

    Sorry to hear you're having rainy weather there. Southern California had a record-breaking rainy April.

    The pics of your baby boy are cute. I remember when my daughter was that age - she's in kindergarten now. Bye.

  • At 5/19/2006 08:25:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Hey, any fan of bean's blog is a friend of mine!


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