An American in Toronto

In Which I Take the Plunge with Devoted Husband and Baby Boy and Have Marvelous Adventures North of the Border

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Happy Birthday Devoted Husband!

I would like to wish a big fat Happy Birthday to my best friend and roommate, Devoted Husband. He's such a wonderful guy and I know he'll blush when he reads this, but it's MY blog and I can write whatever I want. He can start his own competing blog if he'd like. I hope he likes what Baby Boy and I got him. Shhhh. Don't tell him that we got him presents. It's a surprise. Yesterday, I braved the inclement weather to go and get my Ontario Driver's License. I went to what I thought was the local office, but it turns out that office was only for car registration. So, I had to go to another office quite a bit farther. When I got there I had to wait about a half hour, but I had my latest book to read, Hominids, a tale about a Neanderthal from an alternate universe that comes to our Earth. I don't usually read Science Fiction, but this book isn't bad. When I actually got up to the counter, the woman gave me a vision test which I guess I passed. Or at least I passed well enough for her. She then kept saying the I had to surrender my California License. Which is fine. She made me a copy of the CA License. For my memory box, I guess. Anyway, $75 later I had my Class G temporary license in hand and will get my new one with my goofy mug on it in about a month. Done and done. The other car related fun I had yesterday was my second parking ticket in three weeks. The street parking in front of my house changes to different sides of the street on the 1st and 16th of the month. The first of May I forgot to move to the other side of the street and got a ticket. Yesterday, I forgot to move the car back to the original side of the street and...YES, got another ticket. Needless to say, I was a little peeved. Change that to Extremely Angry and add about a dozen curse words and that will be a more accurate representation. How can I remember to move the stupid car!?! Any ideas? A CANADIAN FACT! Ontario Residents can get their driver's license starting at age 16. From the Ontario Ministry of Transportation: "The Ministry of Transportation agrees that the average 16 year-old has sufficient maturity and judgement to handle the responsibility of driving."


  • At 5/17/2006 02:18:00 PM, Blogger Sundry said…

    Happy Birthday to the DH!!

    Hope you have fun!

    Does Yahoo have a calendar feature that you could get to send you a reminder the day before you have to move your car? AOL does...

  • At 5/17/2006 09:03:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    give DH the job of moving the car, and forget about it's his job now
    guess Who??

  • At 5/18/2006 06:29:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A very happy birthday to my DS (Devoted Son). Hope it was a fun day.

    As for your parking dilema, how about looking at what side of the street everyone else is parked on??

    Oh, and concerning your not being able to get your exercise because of the rain problem.Maybe that could be solved by carrying a relatively new invention called the umbrella. I believe Gene Kelly may have used one while performing, "Singin' in the Rain".
    You must have seen that movie.

    Keep smilin'


  • At 5/18/2006 02:56:00 PM, Blogger Arhythmius said…

    LOL! I was thinking the same thing about your parking and rain problems, but Gram said it best. You got SERVED by mom-in-law!

    J/K. Actually, you have a very nice blog. Anyone who recognizes the greatness that is Bean's Blog is way cool in my book. ;)

    Best of luck in the Great White North.

  • At 5/18/2006 03:30:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Hey, hey! I can't hold an umbrella steady AND steer a baby stroller. What I really need is an extra set of hands.

  • At 5/18/2006 03:36:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Also, neither of us remember to move the car, because when we leave the house, no one on our street has moved their cars either.


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