An American in Toronto

In Which I Take the Plunge with Devoted Husband and Baby Boy and Have Marvelous Adventures North of the Border

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Bravo to Bulk Barn

Stupid was acting all squirrelly this morning, so I'm a little late to the game today. But all is well now. I just got back from a pleasant lunch with Devoted Husband at the Burger King. I had a delicious Veggie Burger. DH isn't used to having a whole hour for lunch or not having to clock out for lunch either. So he surprised himself when he realized that he could actually sit and relax rather than rushing back to the office. So, he listened to me chatter away about nothing in particular. After lunch, I went to the Post Office to pick up a book of stamps (Canada to US). I use far more international stamps than inter-Canadian stamps. I also had to mail out my census form. I have been in this country for less than three months and I already have to participate in a census. I guess the censuses are far more frequent than in the U.S. Then I went to Loblaw's to get some mayonnaise for DH. Finally, I went to the best store in the whole world, Bulk Barn. O, Bulk Barn! How I so love thee! For the uninitiated, Bulk Barn is a store that sells bulk food items in these plastic buckets. I like to pick up a little bit of something after lunch and I don't get tempted with more than I actually need. Am I making any sense at all? I don't know. There is a fabulous range of items including, but not limited to, snacks, dry pasta, pie fillings, vitamins and supplements, baking ingredients, coffee and tea, pet food and the very intriguing cake decorating section. I always remember my mom making birthday cakes for my brother and I using Wilton cake pans and I want to try to do some of my own for Baby Boy. I used to love to look at the Wilton catalogs. I was always amazed that anyone could make a cake that looked like Raggedy Ann or a toolbox or whatever. Let's hope that Baby Boy like things that are one basically color, like Cookie Monster or a lawn. A CANADIAN FACT! Bulk Barn is Canada's largest bulk food retailer. They carry over 4,000 products and have 97 locations.


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