An American in Toronto

In Which I Take the Plunge with Devoted Husband and Baby Boy and Have Marvelous Adventures North of the Border

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

A Truly Filthy Post

When I told people that I was moving to Toronto, almost every person would say how clean the city was. Well, I've been here for a few weeks now and I'm not really seeing the legendary cleanliness of the Greater Toronto Area. It's pretty much as dirty as any other major city, which is odd since there are tons of garbage/recycling bins all over the city. Maybe it get cleaner in the summer or something. Yesterday, Devoted Husband (who, by the way, hates that nickname, but until he comes up with something better, it stays) went to the hardware store to pick up our new recycling/garbage bins. Here in Toronto, the garbage is divided up into three categories like so: Organic: Food, food-related rinds, bones and peels and items that involve human by-products (i.e. tissues, diapers) Recyclable: Cans, bottles, jars, paper, etc. Garbage: Styrofoam, tin foil, baby wipes, miscellaneous Everything has to go into it's own special bin and has to be put out on the appropriate garbage day. Organics go out every week and recyclable and garbage go out every alternate week. There is a special garbage calendar and everything. It may sound a little complicated, but it's not really that bad once you get the handle of it. There is a more official list of what items go in what bin and we're slowly learning. I actually like doing it since, at least in theory, there is something being done to help the environment, if only in a small way. A CANADIAN FACT! You may know that Canada's National Anthem is O Canada -- but, you may not know that although it has been sung since the late 1800's, it wasn't proclaimed Canada's National Anthem until 1980!


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