An American in Toronto

In Which I Take the Plunge with Devoted Husband and Baby Boy and Have Marvelous Adventures North of the Border

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Packing is for Suckers

Man, does moving ever bite the big one. My mom was just recently telling me the reason he has so much junk around her house because she has never moved. We've actually tossed a lot of stuff and we had a garage sale (with my friend Lisa's garage, as we don't have one) and we did pretty well. We made about $150 and we got rid of a lot of sharp and pointy furniture that was becoming a hazard for Baby Boy. We're down to the zero hour on this move. A week from today we'll be in Toronto. We still have so much to do and I'm sure it will all get done. It always does. But, I know that it will be quite an interesting adventure and we will have a great time doing it. Friday will be my last day here in Burbank and I'll miss seeing all my awesome co-workers everyday. But I signed up yesterday for instant messaging, so I hope that we'll be able to "talk" in real time to make it at least feel like we're still in the same office. There's a lot that I'll miss about Los Angeles, but I look forward to doing new things and going to new places in Canada. Once all this moving stuff is behind me and we're more settled in, it'll be nice to relax and become a Toronto-ite. I'll try to post to recap the actual official move. Cross your fingers that it goes well.


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