An American in Toronto

In Which I Take the Plunge with Devoted Husband and Baby Boy and Have Marvelous Adventures North of the Border

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Baby Bully

This past Monday, Baby Boy turned 15 months old. He is a wonderfully pleasant boy who is constantly on the go. But, sadly, it appears that Baby Boy is turning into a bit of a bully. He will push the other toddler at day care and then he will steal the other toddler's toy. I know, I know. He's "at that age." He's only one year old. But I don't want him to be the class jerk or a troublemaker. He's such a happy little guy that when he behaves that way, it just seems so out of character for him. I don't see it, however, since he has no competition for his toys at home. Oddly enough though, we were at the park last Sunday and BB was playing with a ball. BB threw the ball in the direction of an older kid playing in the sand. The older kid went out of his way to pick up the ball and heave it to the other side of the playground. BB, to his credit, did not fuss or cry. He just started walking to pick it up again. But I can only hope BB doesn't become a punk older kid that picks on babies. WAIT! What am I talking about?? Baby Boy is the best baby in the whole wide world! Of course he'll be fine. I feel better already! A CANADIAN FACT! The city of Toronto has over 275 public parks.


  • At 4/14/2006 06:04:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    could you ask DH to download some new pictures? I can't believe my favorite grandson would bully anyome he's to cute

  • At 4/16/2006 06:18:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My favorite grandson would never bully anyone either. Are you sure the day care instructor isn't making up tales to tarnish his "perfect child" image? Gram

  • At 4/18/2006 11:31:00 AM, Blogger Sundry said…

    I'm with the grammas. I think its a conspiracy.


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